Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Brenda's Garden

During the summer I do a couple of garden walk paintings. This one I call "Brenda's Garden".
Brenda has transformed a place behind their home into a beautiful, peaceful garden with many possibilities to paint. We chose this cherub and a few of her flowers. The back wall was a cream color, so I kept it true to the natural color. I will send out information next year in advance for the garden walks, so anyone interested can go to them.
This painting is in Acrylic on a 11x14" canvas


  1. This looks like such a serene and beautiful place. You captured its vibe beautifully Linda

  2. Your Paintings are absolutely Beautiful, just love you work Linda. Jim Battles

  3. Thank you both for your comments. It is important to me what people see or feel when looking at my work.
