Monday, June 3, 2024

Troy Garden Walk 2022

 Troy Garden Walk 2022

This painting is in Acrylic on canvas. I enjoy plein air painting in gardens and doing floral work. It is an absolutely beautiful garden with a koi fishpond and a variety of floral and greenery at the Flocke residents. There were so many choices of views to take in, I could have made several paintings.

I am happy to say, this piece is hanging in their home. They can enjoy the beauty of their garden in the wintertime now, as well. Thanks so much for your purchase.
I will be painting in the Troy Garden Walk this year on July 10th. Come, enjoy the gardens and say Hello.
For interest on my painting in your garden, please contact me by 810-797-6169 or email
I love to hear your comments, thanks so much

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