Franky #2

Franky is a very blessed cat. One year ago Franky's  owner Carrie found him in her garage in extreme distress and covered in blood on his underside. She carried him into the house to the bath tub. While running warm water she noticed a overwhelming chemical smell.
 All of a sudden she recognized the smell......battery acid, and warm water would only activate it into a deeper burn into the tissue. 
Carrie could feel the burn on her skin where Franky had touched her. She scrambled to get baking soda and cool water and flushed him for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes he finally either wore out from fighting her and the  water/soda mix, or he realized the burn was gone. She wrapped him up, gave him homeopathic remedies to help the physical and emotional trauma and watched him closely through the night. Next morning he was back to his normal self. He had hair burnt to the nub, raw teets and dry skin.
Carrie is an excellent Homeopathic Doctor for humans and animals. I will soon tell you the story of how she is helping my horse with cancer on his eyelid. If you would like more information about Carrie, please feel free to contact me.
This is an 8x10" portrait painting in acrylic on gessobord. As always Thanks for following my artwork.


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