Light Boxes & Urns

Brand New Item Available : My new Light Box which can also include an Urn for the special pet in your life.

This is something brand new that I have been working on with my wood craftsman and printer and will make a wonderful item to cherish in your home. It has taken a while to get everything sized and designed correctly and now we are ready to go. There are four different sizes all made in Michigan. 

First choice: You can purchase a light box with a print of many choices from my prints that are available. 

Second choice: I will paint a portrait of  your pet  and have it made into a special print for the light to shine through and put into a light box. You will then own a small portrait to display and a light box.

Third choice: A light box that will include a Urn for a pet that has been cremated. 

For more information on colors, sizes, prices, etc. Please contact me by email: or phone 810-797-6169
